焦志伦副教授 |

南开大学经济与社会发展研究院副教授, 硕士生导师。入选美国斯坦福大学发布的2023、2024年度全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。Elsevier 2022-2024中国高被引学者。京东物流集团企业顾问, 天津市政府项目评审库专家, 天津快递协会特聘专家, 曾在美国马里兰大学、瑞典延雪平大学、台湾东吴大学交流访问, 主要研究方向为电子商务物流、智慧物流、物流规划与政策、资源环境与可持续发展、流通经济、技术经济等。近年来在Energy Economics, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Energy, Energy Policy,Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Environmental Management, Sustainable Development, 经济地理, 商业经济与管理, 中国科技论坛等期刊以第一或通信作者发表高水平论文近50篇,其中包含SCI、SSCI、EI的国际1区期刊发表论文近30篇,多篇文章为年度高被引论文和热点论文。曾获天津市社会科学优秀成果一等奖、三等奖, 中国物流学会物华图书奖一等奖等奖励。连续15年以上参与《中国现代物流发展报告》编写工作, 历任分章主编和执行主编, 多次在美国CSCMP供应链管理年会上宣讲报告成果, 推介中国物流发展。Energy Economics, Energy Policy, TF&SC, JEMA, REPO, ESPR, IJFE, 南开管理评论, 商业经济与管理等中外学术刊物特邀审稿人。

联系方式: 022-23500118
E-mail: zjiao@nankai.edu.cn
通讯地址: 南开大学八里台校区经发院424室






2009 7月至今 南开大学经济与社会发展研究院 教师

2012年4月-2012年5月 瑞典延雪平大学教师交换项目 讲授中国现代物流发展中国区域物流发展课程



[1] A Recursive Dynamic CGE Approach to Investigate Environmental Kuznets Curve. Journal of Environmental Management,2024.8. (SSCI, 国际1区)

[2] Shock transmission between climate policy uncertainty, financial stress indicators, oil price uncertainty and industrial metal volatility: Identifying moderators, hedgers and shock transmitters. Energy Economics, 2024.6.SSCI, 南开大学经济学科顶尖期刊, 国际1区

[3] Disentangling the Intelligentization–Carbon Emission Nexus within China’s Logistics Sector: An Econometric Approach. Energies, 2024.8. SSCI

[4] 数字经济发展必然降低行业碳排放吗?——来自物流业的新证据.南开经济研究.2024.6.CSSCI

[5] 面向物流需求场景的智慧公路功能设计,智能建筑电气技术.2024.1.

[6] The economic growth-travel frequency nexus in China: importance of the transport Kuznets curve, The World Economy, 2023.7 (SSCI, 南开大学经济学科顶尖期刊)

[7] Financial Development as a New Determinant of Energy Diversification: The Role of Natural Capital and Structural Changes in Australia, Energy Economics, 2023.8(SSCI, 南开大学经济学科顶尖期刊, 国际1区)

[8] Oil prices and geopolitical risk: Fresh insights based on Granger-causality in quantiles analysis, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2023.3(SSCI, 南开大学管理学科顶尖期刊)

[9] On the transmission of oil supply and demand shocks to CO2 emissions in the US by considering uncertainty: A time-varying perspective, Resources Policy 2023.8 (SSCI, 国际1区)

[10] Dynamic volatility spillover between oil and marine shipping industry, Energy Reports,2023.2 (SSCI)

[11] Exploring the Growth of Sustainable Energy Technologies: A Review. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. 2023.4 (SSCI, 国际1区, IF:7.632)

[12] Do Muslim economies need insurance to grow? Answer from rigorous empirical evidence. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 2023,87(2):346–359 (SSCI, 南开大学管理学科顶尖期刊, 国际1区, IF:4.324)

[13] 中国海外仓发展现状与对策研究. 经济要参, 2022(47): 38-42 (国家级内参)

[14] Examining Energy Poverty in Chinese Households: An Engel Curve Approach. Australian Economic Papers. 2022.9  (SSCI, IF:1.452)

[15] Role of foreign direct investment in decomposing of scale and technique effects on China's energy consumption, International Journal of Finance and Economics. 2022.2. (SSCI, IF:1.634)

[16] Relationship between green investments, energy markets, and stock markets in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Energy Economics. 2021.10.  (SSCI, 国际1区, IF:9.252)

[17] Unveiling the asymmetric impact of exports, oil prices, technological innovations, and income inequality on carbon emissions in India. Resources Policy. 2021(10),  (SSCI, 国际1区, IF:8.222)

[18] How Energy Consumption, Industrial Growth, Urbanization, and CO2 Emissions Affect Economic Growth in Pakistan? A Novel Dynamic ARDL Simulations Approach,Energy. Published Cover Data:15 April 2021. (SSCI, EI, SCI, 国际1区, 中科院1区, IF:6.082)    

[19] An empirical study of real-time information-receiving using industry 4.0 technologiesin downstream operations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Published Cover Data: April 2021. (SSCI, 国际1区, IF:5.846)

[20] Should The Fourth Industrial Revolution Be Widespread or Confined Geographically?A Country-Level Analysis of Fintech Economies. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Published Cover Data: Febrary 2021. Article 120442.  (SSCI, 国际1区, IF:5.846)

[21] Financing clean energy projects: New empirical evidence from major investment countries. Renewable Energy. Published Cover Data: May 2021. Pages 231-241. (SSCI, SCIE, EI, 国际1区, 中科院2区, IF:5.439)    

[22] Analyzing Nonlinear Impact of Economic Growth Drivers on CO2 Emissions:Designing an SDG Framework for India. Energy Policy. Published Cover Data: January 2021, Article 111965.  (SSCI, SCI, 国际1区, 中科院1区, IF:5.042) 

[23] Heterogeneous effect of Eco-innovation and human capital on renewable and non-renewable energy consumption: Disaggregate analysis for G7 Countries. Energy. Published Cover date: 15 October 2020, Article 118405 (SSCI, EI, SCI, 国际1区, 中科院1区, IF:6.082)

[24] The Effect of Renewable Energy Consumption on Economic Growth: Evidence from the Renewable Energy Country Attractive Index, Energy, Published Cover date: 15 September 2020, Article 118162. (SSCI, SCIE, EI, 国际1区, 中科院1区, IF:6.082)    

[25] Determinants of FDI in France: Role of Transport Infrastructure, Education, Financial Development and Energy Consumption, International Journal of Finance and Economics. 2020.10.28. (SSCI, 南开大学经济学院二级顶尖期刊)    

[26] The impact of technological innovation and public-private partnership investment on Sustainable environment in China: Consumption-based carbon emissions analysis, Sustainable Development, 2020, 8(5):1317-1330.  (SSCI国际1区, IF:4.082)    

[27] Trade and technological innovation: The catalysts for climate change and way forward for COP21. Journal of Environmental Management. Published Cover date: 1 September 2020, Article 110774.  (SSCI, SCI, 国际1区, IF:5.647)    

[28] Analyzing Technology-Emissions Association in Top-10 Polluted MENA Countries: How to Ascertain Sustainable Development by Quantile Modeling Approach. Journal of Environmental Management. Published Cover date: 1 August 2020, Article 110602. (SSCI, SCI, 国际1区, 中科院2区, IF:5.647)

[29] Consumption-based carbon emissions and International trade in G7 countries: The role of Environmental innovation and Renewable energy. Science of the Total Environment, Published Cover date: 15 August 2020, Article 138945 (SCI,国际1区, 中科院2区, IF:6.551)

[30] Natural resource abundance, technological innovation, and human capital nexus with financial development: A case study of China, Resources Policy, Published Cover date: March 2020, Article 101585 (SSCI国际1区, IF:3.986)    

[31] The Renewable Energy Consumption-Environmental Degradation Nexus in Top-10 Polluted Countries: Fresh Insights from Quantile-on-Quantile Regression Approach. Renewable Energy. 2020, 150: 670-690 (SSCI, SCIE, EI, 国际1区, 中科院2区, IF:5.439)  

[32] Public-Private Partnerships Investment in Energy as New Determinant of CO2 Emissions: The Role of Technological Innovations in China, Energy Economics. 2020, 86: 1-12 (SSCI, 国际1区, 南开大学经济类一级顶尖期刊, IF:5.203) 

[33] Revisiting Chinese Resource Curse Hypothesis Based on Spatial Spillover Effect: A Fresh Evidence, Resources Policy. 2019,64(12):1-10 (SSCI, EI, 国际1区, IF:3.986)    

[34] Resource Curse Hypothesis and Role of Oil Prices in USA, Resources Policy. 2019,64  (12): 1-11 (SSCI,EI, 国际1区, IF:3.986)

[35] Impact of trade openness on GDP growth: Does TFP Matter? The Journal of International Trade undefinedamp; Economic Development, 2019, 28 (8): 960-995. (SSCI, 国际3区, IF:0.958)    

[36] 快递企业服务制造业物流的合作收益分配研究——基于修正的Raiffa解模型分析. 商业经济与管理, 2020(06):18-27.(CSSCI)    

[37] 基于全产业链的无人机物流行业监管体系设计. 中国科技论坛,2019(11):38-47 (CSSCI, 人大复印资料全文转载)  

[38] 大数据驱动下的共享单车短期需求预测. 商业经济与管理, 2018(08):16-25.(CSSCI)    

[39] 品类差异下的消费者购物价值与零售业转型升级路径——兼议新零售的实践形式. 商业经济与管理, 2019(7): 5-17.(CSSCI, 人大复印资料全文转载, 新华文摘论点摘编转载)    

[40] 中国城市消费的空间分布与空间相关关系研究. 经济地理, 2013,33(3): 41-46.(CSSCI)    

[41] 国内外食品安全监管体系的比较研究. 华南农大学报, 2010,9(4):59-65.(CSSCI)    


[1] Zhilun Jiao, Xiaofan Wu, Binglian Liu, Shaoju Lee, Zhijuan Chen. Contemporary Logistics in China: Systemic Reconfiguration and Technological Progression, Springer, 2021.10 (英文专著,合著

[2] Zhilun Jiao, Shaoju Lee, Ling Wang,Binglian Liu. Contemporary Logistics in China: Reformation and Perpetuation[M], Springer , 2017.5. (英文专著,合著    

[3] 焦志伦. 食品封闭供应链运行模式及其政策研究[M],中国物资出版社, 2012.8.中国物流学会第四届物华图书奖一等奖,天津市第十四届社会科学优秀成果三等奖 (中文专著,独著)    

[4] 焦志伦等. 两岸农产品流通模式比较研究[M], 南开大学出版社, 2015.9.1. (中文专著,合著)    

[5] Binglian Liu, Shaoju Lee, Jianhua Xiao, Ling Wang, Zhilun Jiao. Contemporary logistics in China: an Introduction[M], Singapore: World Scientific, 2011.10. 天津市第十三届社会科学优秀成果一等奖 (英文专著,合著)    

[6] 国家发展和改革委员会经济运行局,南开大学现代物流研究中心,中国现代物流发展报告[R](2009-今),中国机械工业出版社、物资出版社、北京大学出版社等.年度报告. (连续15年以上参与,研究报告,分章主编/执行主编)  


[6.1] Contemporary Logistics in China: An Introduction. World Scientific, 2011,执行主编    

[6.2] Contemporary Logistics in China: Transformation and Revitalization. Springer, 2012,分章主编    

[6.3] Contemporary Logistics in China: Consolidation and Deepening. Springer,2013分章主编    

[6.4] Contemporary Logistics in China: Assimilation and Innovation. Springer,2014, 分章主编    

[6.5] Contemporary Logistics in China: Proliferation and Internationalization. Springer, 2015,分章主编    

[6.6] Contemporary Logistics in China: New Horizon and New Blueprint. Springer, 2016,分章主编    

[6.7] Contemporary Logistics in China: Reformation and Perpetuation. Springer, 2017,第一主编    

[6.8] Contemporary Logistics in China: Collaboration and Reciprocation Springer, 2018, 分章主编    

[6.9] Contemporary Logistics in China: Interconnective Channels and CollaborativeSharing,Springer, 2019,分章主编    

[6.10] Contemporary Logistics in China: Persistent Reformation, Continual Openingand Vibrant Innovation, 2020, 分章主编    

[1] 主持项目:国家社科基金项目,生成式人工智能促进产业数字化转型的机制与路径研究(23BJY127),2023.9-

[2] 主持项目:国家社科基金项目,我国物联网发展现状及管理模式研究(10CGL027),2010.7-2014.12.

[3] 主持项目:天津市哲学社会科学规划项目,雄安新区智慧物流体系设计创新以及天津的对接服务策略(TJGL18-003), 2018.4-2019.12

[4] 主持项目:南开大学亚洲研究中心项目,后疫情时代中国物流行业高质量发展的关键路径分析(AS2016),2020.7-2021.12

[5] 主持项目:南开大学基本科研业务费专项资金项目,高新技术产业集群发展的空间溢出效应研究——以物联网产业为例,2012.12-2014.12.

[6] 参与项目:十二五国家科技部科技支撑项目,果蔬农超对接供应链系统集成与应用示范, 2011.5-2015.12.

[7] 参与项目:十一五国家科技部科技支撑项目,绿色农产品封闭供应链的技术集成和产业示范研究, 2007.5-2010.12.(项目联络人)

[1] 天津第十四届社会科学优秀成果 三等奖

[2] 天津市第十三届社会科学优秀成果 一等奖

[3] 决策咨询建议创新食品安全流通管理模式得到天津市多位市长、副市批示;

[4] 中国物流学会,物华图书奖 一等奖

[5] 中国物流学会课题优秀课题 一等奖.

[6] 天津市工程专业学位优秀教学成果奖 一等奖

[1] 主持项目:中车齐车集团委托项目,中国现代城市智慧物流产业体系分析,2019.12-2019.12

[2] 主持项目:呼和浩特市发展改革委,京东物流集团,呼和浩特城市物流配送规划,2021.4-2021.9

[3] 主持项目:天津市邮政管理局,天津邮政业“十四五”发展规划研究,2019.9-2020.12

[4] 主持项目:天津市邮政管理局,天津市落实邮政业服务乡村振兴政策研究,2019.7-2019.10.

[5] 主持项目:天津市邮政管理局,天津市邮政管理局推进生态环保攻坚战的调研分析与对策研究,2019.8-2019.10

[6] 主持项目:天津市邮政管理局,转型创新背景下高附加值寄递服务扩展路径研究,2019.6-2019.9

[7] 主持项目:天津市邮政管理局,天津邮政业十三五发展规划研究,2015.1-2016.3.

[8] 主持项目:中国邮政速递物流股份有限公司天津市分公司,天津国际邮件互换局提升改造项目研究,2019.3-2019.4.

[9] 主持项目:京东物流(北京京邦达贸易有限公司),京东集团服务雄安的战略思路与政府合作策略,2018.2-2018.3.

[10] 主持项目:天津市邮政管理局,推动天津快递服务与网络零售协同发展的政策研究,2013.8-2014.5.

[11] 主持项目:中国物流学会项目,物联网环境下的农产品封闭供应链研究,2011.1-2011.8.

[12] 主持项目:南开大学人文社会科学校内青年项目,基于食品安全的封闭供应链运行模式研究,2009.9-2010.12.

[13] 参与项目:海南省发改委,海南自贸港物流业降低成本研究,2022.5-2022.7

[14] 参与项目:云账户(天津)共享经济信息咨询有限公司,零工产业经济高质量发展策略与路径研究,2022.7-2022.9

[15] 参与项目:天津港保税区,加快天津航空物流产业发展研究项目,2019.7-2021.4

[16] 参与项目:雄安新区管委会,雄安新区物流发展规划,2018.8-2018.12(项目联络人,快递子课题负责人).

[17] 参与项目:中国国际经济交流中心2015年重大基金课题. 互联网革命与中国业态变革,2015.8-2016.3.

[18] 参与项目:国家口岸办委托课题. 中国对俄口岸运量预测及对策研究. 2016.3-2016.7. (项目联络人)

[19] 参与项目:天津港集团项目. 天津港集团电子商务发展战略研究. 2016.4-2016.12.

[20] 参与项目:海南水产品流通加工产业及冷链市场体系建设发展规划,主要参与人,2014.10-2015.5. (项目联络人)

[21] 参与项目:京津冀协同发展背景下天津市交通发展战略及对策研究,2014.5-2014.8

[22] 参与项目:海南南北通投资公司发展战略,2014.3-2014.6.

[23] 参与项目:本溪钢都商贸物流产业园区规划修编与运营模式设计, 2014.1-2014.3.

[24] 参与项目:京津冀一体化前景下“世界商谷”发展战略设计,2014.3-2014.9.

[25] 参与项目:天津港集团区域开发战略研究,2012.7-2013.1.




2. 电子商务与智能物流专题




